Color Therapy

Astrology Service

Color Therapy

Color therapy is also known as chromotherapy or colorology. It can be concluded as an alternative medicine system, where the colors are used for healing or for medication, without the intake of any external medicine. The color therapy works on a physical level, and it is easy to quantify the effect of colors. These colors work on physical as well as on a spiritual level. We are not the only body, but also the soul, our mind, body, and spirit all show their effect on each other, and these colors are found effective on all the level of the person's identity. We can even see the role of color in our lives when small babies are easily attracted toward sharp colors, especially for red color. We have different memories associated with these colors of our life. Each color has its own intensity such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These energies resonate with the energy of all seven chakras or energy centers of the body. This chakra appears as a clock while keen observation or as an engine. Balancing of these chakras is very important for health as well as for spiritual enlightenment. The color therapy helps in rebalancing or stimulating the energy by applying appropriate color and can found effective in re balancing of these chakras.

The color red is related to the base chakra (Muladhara chakra), the orange is the sacral chakra (Swadhisthan chakra) or energy source, the color yellow is related to solar plexus chakra (Manipura chakra), the green color is associated with heart chakra (Anahata Chakra), the blue chakra is associated with throat chakra or chakra de la gorge (Vishuddha Chakra), indigo is associated with bro chakra (Aagya chakra) and the violet color is associated with the crown chakra or Shahastrarth chakra.

Color energy has a wide effect on the human body. Magnetic energy or aura and light energy is being observed by the cells and near about every part of the body. It is also believed that this color energy creates an effect on the physical, spiritual and emotional status of a person. Other manners of use of color therapy are through solarized water, color silk, lightbox or color filter and through hands, by using the colors through hands.

For example if a person is not able to motivate himself or herself than it means that energy of his throat chakra or vishuddha chakra is not flowing properly, and it has been blocked then a color therapist will increase and motivate the energy of vishuddha chakra by the rays of blue color, to improve the dysfunction of this chakra. It is believed that nothing on earth is useless everything that is found on earth has a reason and have to be used properly for wellbeing. A professional color therapist can use these colors for balancing of the energies of chakra. Rebalancing of these chakras can be done by applying the color of appropriate frequencies.

Each spectrum of color is simply light of different varying wavelength, the colors of the rainbow are also visible such, on the basis of their wavelength, the red color is highly visible and bright due to its wavelength, whereas violet color has the shortest wavelength. It can also be said that each color has its own particular energy. This specific energy resonates with the energy of chakra and can also improve these chakras.

It is found safe to use this color therapy alone or with other therapy too, it is found safe for adults, children and also for animals. It is considered as alternative medicine and only qualified professional can advice this therapy if a person is on any kind of medication than before starting and stopping the color therapist must be honestly informed so that he can check the use and manner of further sessions of color therapy. If you think your life is not going well, if the body is not well or you are feeling ill but medication is not working properly, the mind is not cool, the mood is switching continuously, the business is not going well and the boss is turned annoying. The lady you like don't give you any importance, not able to please your wife, the children are not responding and obeying you than you can come to us and we can provide you complete solution of all the problems through color therapy in Laxmi astrologers.